

Neovim Configurations

Once I went all in on Neovim, there was no turning back. I consider it my longest running project to continuously improve my overall development experience. Dotfiles

Personal Finance App

I never really learnt how to properly manage my finances, so I’m building this app to help me with exactly that. At the same time, I get to learn about two technologies that I’m highly interested in: Svelte & Rust. Code Repository


Book Notes

Being a book nerd, I wanted to try solving a problem with keeping book notes, so this website was the result. As for choice of technology, when learning web development, the natural path to take is to pick up React. That was the main goal with this project. Code Repository, Live Website

Halo Card Game

My first real project! I love games, and at the time I was deep into Legends of Runeterra. Naturally, the first thing to do with my newfound coding skills was to try and recreate the turn-based system of a card game made by a successful games company. I chose Halo for the theme as it is the first game series that I really loved. I built it with vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to learn more about the fundamentals of a website.

Hotel Room Booking App

A simple app that I worked on with a fellow classmate while going through the Software Engineering Immersive course with General Assembly. Our goal was to build an app with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJS), and our idea just happened to be a hotel booking app. Code Repository, Live Website